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E'Genawa Malissa Creating A Lifestyle LLC
Who coaches happiness? Me, E'Genawa Malissa, A Business Executive Lifestyle Motivator that offers life coaching and more to clients. I am a Professional CAMS Certified Lifestyle Motivator and Happiness Enthusiast, Breaking Generational Curses while helping women become Present and Future-Driven. It's Your Time, Welcome to my Creating A Lifestyle Program!...
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E'Genawa Malissa Creating A Lifestyle LLC


21 Days Girlfriend Happiness Self- Paced Journey



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The Girlfriend's Happiness Challenge was my debut challenge in January 2022. In this previously recorded video, you will get all the information you need on how to use your journal and what to expect. My suggestion: Watch every video with full intentions of doing the work. Follow me on FB www.egenawamalissa.com/egenawa to watch for my next actual live group challenge with other women participants. Right now though, Journey at your own pace. CONGRATS GIRLFRIEND!


No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges, or trials there are some things in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring you gratitude and joy, if only we would allow ourselves to see and cherish it.


Dear Music, Thank you for clearing my mind, understanding me, healing my heart, and lifting my spirits. You are my therapy and I could not have done it without you.


Sometimes smiling is the start to correcting the problem. It's a mood changer!


How your life feels to you is more important than how your life looks to someone else. Be mindful of your own needs. Take care of yourself 1st. You matter most.

Day 5: THE B.S (Belief System)

Limiting beliefs (B.S) constrict you to a preconceived notion created by someone else. THIS is blocking you from your joy. THEM: the sky is the limit. ME: No it isn't! There's more up there. STOP SAYING THAT... LMAO I'm just weird like that though...lol Another one... THEM: Think outside the box... ME: How about we just remove the damn box!


Give your affirmations life!


Find you some quiet time. today's activity is meditation, not just any type of meditation but meditation of self-love. Everything that is powerful is within you. Take time for yourself today. Dig seep within. Appreciate the love you give, Appreciate the lessons learned, move beyond the past and focus on today. Meditation takes us from survival to creation from separation to connection from emergency mode to growth and repair mode from emotions of fear, heartache, and disappointment to emotions of love, joy, and commitment I do not own any rights to the song being played. Stop Hiding yourself... Love yourself like no one else can

Day 8: The Now

I will never expect you to forget the past. The past is what made you... you, today. I do however help you by focusing on the NOW. You have made it too far to turn back. So now we are learning to live in the present. You are not lost you are redirecting. You are not a failure, you are learning. You are not behind you are preparing and I will not leave you behind.


It's not always about fixing what's broken. Sometimes it is about starting something new. Some things are just made to be broken. Once it's broken we must learn to leave it and move forward. I do not own any rights to the music being played. One of my favorite quotes is "I sat with anger long enough for her to tell me her name was grief" There are 3 C's in life Choice, Chance, and Change.

Day 11: Authenticity

Sometimes we forget who we are. We forget about our hobbies, passions & dreams. Sit down today and really think back to your authentic you. Remember kids grow up, relationships may or may not last. At the end of the day, you may be faced with YOU. Only to realize YOU have lost your true identity.

Day 9: Happy Thoughts

Memories are hidden treasures, hold them close to your heart. Happy thoughts in this message are mostly described as memories. Happy thoughts can also be whatever comes to mind and places a smile on your face. A giggling child, a cute puppy, or just plain old daydreaming. Happy Thoughts are healing.

Day 13: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is making a conscious effort to live in the present. Forgiving is not for the person that hurt you. Forgiveness is to help you focus on your now, what's happening in your life today, encouraging you to be present and future-driven women.

DAY 14: Laughter

Laughing is exercise? Learn about laughing Yoga after watching the video. https://youtu.be/Tn45diC0yqc Join a laughter session in your area or find one on YouTube to share with your friends, family, or co-workers like this one... https://youtu.be/lauX4dWaJ2Q *I'm still laughing at my paycheck. Sounds corny? Try it! https://youtu.be/hNKyUp3PYDE


Passion is about finding your authentic self which is sometimes buried under career, marriage, or being a parent. This makes it more difficult to see your true purpose. I do not own any rights to the music being played. IT'S YOUR TIME! Believe in something so passionately it becomes your purpose. I do not own any rights to the music being played.

Day 18: Simplify

Delegate Declutter Dismiss I do not own any rights to the music being played

Day 16: Social Interaction

Social interaction is healthy. Listen for ideas on becoming a more social you. Are you an introvert? Believe it or not, I am. I enjoy spending time alone. I do however find that today's times make it easier for me to communicate beyond my very tight circle of family & friends. Check out the video I do not own any rights to the music being played in this video.

Day 15: Joyful Activities

Time to have a little fun. Do something that brings you joy. You can do it alone or with a friend. This video features my new logo and end video created by me. For the entrepreneurs in this group. Doing things like this will be featured in my business bingo once I get that package going this year. COME THROUGH 2022! I do not own any rights to the music playing.


Spontaneity is the best kind of adventure I do not own any rights to the music being played. Life is a series of natural and spontaneous adventures. I do not own any music that is being played.

Day 12: Perception

Sometimes you have to just stop and ask yourself why? Why do you think the way you do? Respond the way you do? We are still working on changing the old blueprint. I do not own any rights to the music playing.

DAY 19: Boundaries

You are responsible for setting and honoring my own boundaries. You are not responsible for how people respond to them. I do not own the rights to the music being played. When setting boundaries with people feel really wrong it's probably really right.


Allow others to benefit from your joy!

Happiness Journal.pdf

Having a journal while on your happiness journey is important. I have designed this program from beginning to end to encourage growth along your journey. The key is to get all of those emotions out! Use your personal journal of choice or print this Free 100-page journal from me to you. You may print as many copies as you need. Use my encouraging words along the way. -Enjoy the journey!